Mosquito, Tick, and Ant Bites

It’s already spring, and springtime weather is quickly approaching. Even though it feels like winter in many places, spring and summer will arrive soon. This means bugs will be coming out. Mosquitos, ticks, ants, and other bugs can make an outdoor experience seem miserable and leave you itching for weeks. If you know how to protect yourself against insect bites, the spring and summer months can be much less painful. However, it is impossible to prevent every single bite. It is just as important to know how to treat bites and stings as it is to prevent them in order to protect yourself against serious damage.

Everyone knows that mosquitos carry diseases like Malaria, Yellow Fever, and West Nile Virus. These are all serious diseases, and everyone should take precautions against contracting them. Even if these diseases aren’t prevalent in your region of the world, getting bit by a mosquito is never a good thing. If you are going to be out in the woods or by water, wear pants and a lightweight shirt with sleeves. Mosquitos and other insects will be all over the place, especially once the sun goes down. Clothing, however, will not completely protect against bites. Using bug spray in addition to proper clothing will maximize your protection from mosquitos and other bugs.

Another harmful bug to be aware of is the tick. Ticks are arachnids, not insects, but they still can be repelled by bug spray that contains DEET. If you are in the woods, shrubs, or a grassy area, always check for ticks afterwards. Ticks especially like to hide in hair and under tight clothing, such as near the top of a sock or where your belt sits. Some diseases that ticks carry include Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The first sign of Lyme disease is a red, bulls-eye shaped rash on the skin near the bite site, but this may not appear on every infected person. If you have or think you have Lyme disease, visit your doctor immediately. Lyme disease can cause serious damage to the central nervous system. The sooner you start an antibiotic treatment, the better.

Lastly, another common source of bites are ants. Like most animals, ants will bite if they are angered or feel threatened. Different types of ant bites have different effects on humans. Sometimes you will have no symptoms, while other times small, itchy, red bumps will form. If you are bit, wash the area with soap and water. To suppress itching and inflammation, make a paste from baking soda and water. Apply it to the affected area. If small pustules form from the bites, do not pop them in any way. This creates an open wound your body has to take care of and poses a greater risk for infection.

If you’re like me, you love to be outside doing things like hiking, camping, and mushroom hunting. If you’re outside in the spring or summer, there will be many bugs that can and will bite you. Wear long, protective clothing and bug spray to prevent as many bites as possible. If you are bit, you now know how to deal with some bites. Hopefully this year you will not be constantly itching due to bites.

By lfisch03

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